380 research outputs found

    Non Parametric Models with Instrumental Variables

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    This paper gives a survey of econometric models characterized by a relation between observable and unobservable random elements where these unobservable terms are assumed to be independent of another set of observable variables called instrumental variables. This kind of specification is usefull to address the question of endogeneity or of selection bias for example. These models are treated non parametrically and in all the example we consider the functional parameter of interest is defined as the solution of a linear or non linear integral equation. The estimation procedure then requires to solve a (generally ill-posed) inverse problem. We illustrate the main questions (construction of the equation, identification, numerical solution, asymptotic properties, selection of the regularization parameter) by the different models we present.

    Gaussian processes and Bayesian moment estimation

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    Given a set of moment restrictions (MRs) that overidentify a parameter θ\theta, we investigate a semiparametric Bayesian approach for inference on θ\theta that does not restrict the data distribution FF apart from the MRs. As main contribution, we construct a degenerate Gaussian process prior that, conditionally on θ\theta, restricts the FF generated by this prior to satisfy the MRs with probability one. Our prior works even in the more involved case where the number of MRs is larger than the dimension of θ\theta. We demonstrate that the corresponding posterior for θ\theta is computationally convenient. Moreover, we show that there exists a link between our procedure, the Generalized Empirical Likelihood with quadratic criterion and the limited information likelihood-based procedures. We provide a frequentist validation of our procedure by showing consistency and asymptotic normality of the posterior distribution of θ\theta. The finite sample properties of our method are illustrated through Monte Carlo experiments and we provide an application to demand estimation in the airline market

    Endogeneity and Instrumental Variables in Dynamic Models

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    The objective of the paper is to draw the theory of endogeneity in dynamic models in discrete and continuous time, in particular for diffusions and counting processes. We first provide an extension of the separable set-up to a separable dynamic framework given in term of semi-martingale decomposition. Then we define our function of interest as a stopping time for an additional noise process, whose role is played by a Brownian motion for diffusions, and a Poisson process for counting processes.

    Nonparametric Estimation of An Instrumental Regression: A Quasi-Bayesian Approach Based on Regularized Posterior

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    We propose a Quasi-Bayesian nonparametric approach to estimating the structural relationship ' among endogenous variables when instruments are available. We show that the posterior distribution of ' is inconsistent in the frequentist sense. We interpret this fact as the ill-posedness of the Bayesian inverse problem defined by the relation that characterizes the structural function '. To solve this problem, we construct a regularized posterior distribution, based on a Tikhonov regularization of the inverse of the marginal variance of the sample, which is justified by a penalized projection argument. This regularized posterior distribution is consistent in the frequentist sense and its mean can be interpreted as the mean of the exact posterior distribution resulting from a gaussian prior distribution with a shrinking covariance operator.

    Regularizing priors for linear inverse problems

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    We consider statistical linear inverse problems in Hilbert spaces of the type ˆ Y = Kx + U where we want to estimate the function x from indirect noisy functional observations ˆY . In several applications the operator K has an inverse that is not continuous on the whole space of reference; this phenomenon is known as ill-posedness of the inverse problem. We use a Bayesian approach and a conjugate-Gaussian model. For a very general specification of the probability model the posterior distribution of x is known to be inconsistent in a frequentist sense. Our first contribution consists in constructing a class of Gaussian prior distributions on x that are shrinking with the measurement error U and we show that, under mild conditions, the corresponding posterior distribution is consistent in a frequentist sense and converges at the optimal rate of contraction. Then, a class ^ of posterior mean estimators for x is given. We propose an empirical Bayes procedure for selecting an estimator in this class that mimics the posterior mean that has the smallest risk on the true x.

    On the Asymptotic Efficiency of GMM

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    This paper derives conditions under which the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator is as efficient as the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). The data are supposed to be drawn from a parametric family and to be stationary Markov. We study the efficiency of GMM in a general framework where the set of moment conditions may be finite, countable infinite, or a continuum. Our main result is the following. GMM estimator is efficient if and only if the true score belongs to the closure of the linear space spanned by the moment conditions. This result extends former ones in two dimensions: (a) the moments may be correlated, (b) the number of moment restrictions may be infinite. It suggests a way to construct estimators that are as efficient as MLE. In the last part of this paper, we show how to calculate the greatest lower bound of instrumental variable estimatorsAsymptotic efficiency, GMM, infinity of moment conditions, reproducing kernel Hilbert space, efficiency bound.

    A mathematical model for bone marrow donors' registries and cord blood banks

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    This paper constructs an economic analysis of some organ donation organizations. The two main examples are voluntary marrow donor registries and cord blood banks. The main characteristic of this system is to facilitate the graft of bone marrow or cord blood to patients. These grafts require a high degree of compatibility between donors and receivers and the efficiency of this system is not always satisfactory despite sizes of the registries. This paper gives a framework to understand the key parameters of this problem and to proceed to simulations. We consider the case without screening or the case of optimal selection. These models may be used to infer an economic evaluation of the registries and of cord blood banks.
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